Operation Management

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Strategy Planning

a. Even though Ethiopia has reached a strong social and economic development in recent years, to reach the expected development some important challenges still underway that government alone cannot afford and achieve without intervention of other stake holders.

b. There is a need for different organization particular CSO that can helps and reached out the most unreached part of societies for government reach the Sustainable development goals set by United Nation. While Ethiopia in good progress, some important pressure from emerging region like Gambella that hosting refugees coming from south Sudan who displaced by war, created social, political and economic effect to both host community and refugees. The productivity in agricultural land decrease, work culture from indigenous community it decrease, the cross border related disease are rampant, HIV? Aids prevalence increase, conflict after girls and their abuse become an alarming rate. Vulnerability amongst youth, women and orphan child increase, weak productivity that hinder economic status of host community and number peoples under poverty line increased. All these in accordance to need based assessment and a country strategic plan of five year, we aligned the CHEDA strategy based on the gaps observed in the five year plan. According to Directive ACSO Registration Number 4112--that let our organization to operate, in the frame that is provided for our operation based on our set target.

c. In this context the CHEDA five year plan are linked to humanitarian responses that deals in the following manner and it collaborates with Government and others United Nation agency and NGOs working in Humanitarian aids.

Eight Important Targets and organization capacity

I. Strategic plan outcome 1: Serving the most vulnerable child, young ladies, boys in both host communities and refugees in their settlement areas.

II. Strategic plan outcome 2: Support to work and stop early marriages girls and making them to return to school and treating the most affected through healing of trauma and giving special remuneration for them fill at home and particularly those HIV/AIDS affected part of societies.

III. Strategic plan outcome 3: Providing health and sanitization training to youngest groups of society, particularly youth, young ladies and most vulnerable women. In addition giving special support that encourages others to work for their safe environment.

IV. Strategic plan outcome 4: Develop peace building community and give them special support by training them and making them understand the diversity and their being together with others. Supporting them regularly and identifying those with weak attitude and feeling of haters amongst both host and weak societies. Creating environment that encourage belongings of the place as neighbor of the same area. Make them develop a sense to dialogue in any matter than violents.this is achieved by targeting youth and young ladies for they should understand their future and work for it. They should train with rejection of revenge practice as the bad part of culture and inhuman practices.

V. Strategic plan outcome 5: Special support in kind and psychological to that vulnerable part of community feeling they are under poverty line for them to cope and out stand the situation. This make them feel confident and have the capacity to produced they should earn.

VI. Strategic plan outcome 6: Making concerned farmer to be capable of cultivating their farm to the extent they should and increase their productivity through modern mean of farming, linking them with market. This practice work for both host and refugees settlement area.

VII. Strategies plan outcome 7: Reintroducing new form of training farmer for crops that have the potential to resist the drought particularly the use of sorghum and related crop should be introduced to farmers that are most of the time affected by drought and their productivity is low.

VIII. Strategic plan outcome 8: Special support through training and in kind to young entrepreneur in the refugees and the host community are good to increase their productivities and taking them to higher standard merchants.

Present Policy and Strategy Planning

  • CHEDA has five years’ strategic plan that includes a clear, specific, and measurable set of goals and objectives to ensure is achievement of its vision.
  • CHEDA has a strategy to help its staff effectively manage any change required which includes empowering staff for institutionalization and support to staffs in the process of mission, vision review, or stakeholder analysis.
  • CHEDA provides training to develop its human resources capacity through expertise or skills that boost organizational capacity.
  • CHEDA Need to build G + 4 Boarding school in Gambella which will accommodate 284 children from different people including the refugee, it will be a first boarding school in Gambella Regional State of Ethiopia.
  • CHEDA Plan people with a capacity building, technical skill and vocational training in Gambella
  • CHEDA plan to train farmers in Jekou Wareda/District, Makuey and Wanthou Wareda/ District.
  • CHEDA Plan to support ten female students from Science department in different Medical College.
  • CHEDA Plan Humanitarians and climate change survey in Western Ethiopia and Northern East Ethiopia

Governance. Structure and Operation Management

I. CHEDA has a Governing General Assembly seventeen (17) members which objective of providing overall leadership direction to the organization.

II. CHEDA has a Governing Board of Directors which has been seven (7) members which objective of providing overall management direction to the organization.

III. It has an Executive Management Team which comprises of two Departments. Each Department is entrusted with running and implementing day-day activities of the organization. Executive Management Team supports the achievement of the vision and is willing to invest in needed planning, resources and system of the organization. It is chaired and led by Executive Director.

IV. Executive Monument Committee is accountable to Board of Directors as per the Bylaw of CHEDA mentioned.

V. CHEDA has a clear separation of powers between the Board of Directors, Executive Management Team on one hand, and within different Departments on the other.